My Epic My Epic - Arrive

Any day now I will leave the seas behind I will find you
I don't know yet what I'll see when I arrive but I will be with you

I lay your promise like an anchor in the depths that my mind can't fathom
I hoist it up till it finds your breath amongst the winds that I can't see and

It leads me on
And without fail
Calms each sea
For it blows truer and fiercer than gale

For endless might I've seen in you
Still this one thing you cannot do
You won't break your word and leave your sons to hell
You can't deny yourself

All my hopes rest on the day when I see these tides realign
I'll keep my eyes on the horizon and my course set until then
But when your new dawn outshines the old one I'll be looking up
And I'll leave my ship then and run the waves as they're rising up

And behold

You whom no eye could yet bare
Nor any mind yet conceive
And ill take hold of you there
And then let go of belief

Somehow, made new
I'll be like you

A song begins
Without an end
Beloved, behold