My Epic My Epic - Beloved

There are no nights now
When i don't dream and wake in the darkness
To find i've been weeping.

But it has been ages
Since i've cried while awake,
'cause centuries wear on
The heart, they erode it away.

I'm still trying to record each word
You spoke and if i finish i'll fill up this earth.
But the memory of your voice leaves me empty,

'cause i've been banished and
Boiled alive and yet i remain and
They still call me by name,
But they don't say it the same.

I watched all my brothers become martyrs and die one at a time,
But i often wonder if waiting for you is the harder sacrifice.

I'm still trying to record each word
You spoke and if i finish i'll fill up
This earth, but the memory of
Your voice leave me empty.

I may be feeble and barely alive, but i've yet to forget
A single word that you said.
If my voice breaks down and all of my strength
Gives out and i'm just a shell left breathing my last days out.
Let it be known that time is a thief who surely steals everything,
But in my case it just cleared out the waste for me.
Nothing has dimmed; you have simply eclipsed all that stood in the way.
I'd give 20 more lifetimes; it would all be the same.
In the end, i know i'll find you will come once again.
You'll come call me by name.